A photo of Dorian from the shoulders up. He is smiling standing in front of a bookshelf.

Dorian McIntush

Information Professional

Information Professional with a Master of Science in Information Studies from The University of Texas and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in Computer Science from Texas A&M University. Adept at leveraging advanced technology and data analysis skills, including proficiency in Tableau, SQL, and various library management systems such as ILLiad, Koha, and Sirsi. Extensive experience in diverse professional settings, demonstrating the ability to enhance services through innovative programming, website management, and meticulous metadata creation and editing. Proven track record of managing collections, supporting digital initiatives, and providing exceptional customer service. Committed to fostering inclusive and accessible environments across various industries.


Calaboose Museum Preservation Needs Assessment

A preservation needs assessment conducted for the Calaboose African American History Museum (CAAHM). Completed for the class Management of Preservation Programs in a team of three. After this assessment was complete, we also wrote a grant application for $10,000 to help implement the changes we recommended.

A photo of a sign that reads "Calaboose African American History Museum. Est. in 1997 by Mrs. Johnnie Armstead."
A screenshot of a Tableau data vizualization.

Texas State Law Library Patron Statistics Tableau Dashboard

A Tableau dashboard visualizing statistics about patrons at the Texas State Law Library. Dashboard shows statistics at the county, house district, and senate district levels as compared to the state level. This dashboard was created to be used in the library's biannual budget hearing at the state legislature.

Texas Digital Libraries Digital Preservation Environmental Impact Report

A report conducted to analyze the energy usage and environmental impact of the Texas Digital Library's (TDL) digital preservation service. Looks at TDL's use of Amazon Web Services and Chronopolis. Completed for the class Management of Preservation Programs in a team of two.

The Texas Digital Libraries logo. It is a blue star with a mouse cursor making up one of the points.
A screenshot of a Tableau data vizualization.

Analysis of English Writing Development in a Taiwanese CLIL Program

An investigation of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) writing development in a primary school program. CLIL is a type of foreign language teaching where students learn both the foreign language and content knowledge (e.g., math, science, etc.) simultaneously. Research poster presented at the Fall 2019 Texas A&M Undergraduate Research Expo.

Library Displays and Programming



2021 - 2023

The University of Texas at Austin

Master of Science in Information Studies

Notable Coursework:

  • Introduction to Information Resources

  • Digital Libraries

  • Management of Preservation Programs

  • Public Libraries

  • Data Storytelling

  • Materials for Children and Young Adults

2016 - 2020

Texas A&M University

Bachelor of Arts in English, Minor in Computer Science

Notable Coursework:

  • Writing About Literature

  • Gay and Lesbian Literature

  • Elements of Creative Writing

  • Introduction to Program Design Concepts

  • Data Structures and Algorithms

  • Programming Languages

Work Experience

Aug 2023 - Jul 2024


DC Public Library

  • Assisted library patrons with wide ranging levels of tech literacy with using computers and other library technology, signing up for library cards, finding library materials, research requests and more.

  • Planned and executed library programming such as Book-to-Movie night, free Legal Help, and Sit and Stitch.

  • Managed the weeding and rebalancing of library collections; supervised library associates in doing this work.

Mar 2022 - Aug 2023

Library Assistant

Texas State Law Library

  • Maintained the library website and LibGuides by fixing broken links; kept track of search statistics for the library website.

  • Assisted with accessioning and de-accessioning of library material, including creating and editing metadata in MARC format.

  • Processed remote patron registrations and renewals; created a dashboard in Tableau with library patron data to be presented to the State Legislature in the library’s biennial funding request.

Aug 2020 - Aug 2021

Parks Planning Assistant

Austin Parks and Recreation Department

  • Managed the database, incoming requests, and site visit scheduling for the Community Activated Parks Projects program.

  • Assisted with managing the Cities Connecting Children to Nature program; took minutes at meetings.

  • Created a website for the CCCN program using ArcGIS Web Experiences.

May 2020 - Aug 2020

Library Assistant

Austin Public Library

  • Assisted with projects in the Children’s department, including creating book lists on Bibliocommons.

  • Edited videos for APL+ (video content and programming created to serve library customers while the library was shut down due to the pandemic); pitched, filmed, and edited two videos about coding education for children and teens.
